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♥ Monday, May 30, 2011

Woooo! Finally have the chance to update my blog! Been very very busy and very very tired too. :( Oh! The photo above was taken at National Museum's Sun Deck! Breathtaking huh? I just love the scenery, the sky and the clouds! :)

As always, I'm busy with Playdome on Saturday. I was too tired to blog at night. The next day, Sunday, lil bro and I went out. We wanted to watch Kungfu Panda 2. So we tried using dad's card but there was some technical problem with it. And so, I have to literally go to Causeway Point and buy it myself! Good thing that lil bro decided to follow me. Oh! Mum wanted to tag along too. Too bad that dad was working at night. Tsk. So lil bro and I went out to Causeway Point at around 5pm. I brought along my Mr Brownieeeee since I wanted to do up my LE assignment. Plus, the movie was at 10.25pm! We had to choose the last show because all the rest of the shows were all full! And dad will be able to fetch us too from his work since he ends at 11pm. :)

We finally get to watch Kungu Panda 2! The movie is hilarious and interesting man! Love it! ;)) I think there's going to be part 3! Seems like it. Hehe. By the time I reached home, it was already 12.30am. So I quickly showered, prayed, packed my bag, brushed my teeth and sleep. There you go! My busy weekends! x)))

For today, I was late for LE! SHEEEESH! I overslept! :( Blame it on me! Actually, my mum woke me up at 7.30am. But silly me decided to continue sleeping! I don't know why. I was just so sleepy and tired. Tsk. So I woke up at 9am eventually. And guess what? Class starts at 9am! Good eh. Class starts at 9am but you woke up at 9am. What concept is this?! -.-" I didn't come for LE lesson obviously but I did text Miss A about it. Luckily, she was not mad like I expected. Phew. But I feel bad cos this is my second time! Haiss. Hopefully there won't be a third time! It's a BIG NO-NO FATIN!

Then it was TAC. We were divided into groups for our art gallery/exhibition based on our themes which are quite linked to one another. So I'm grouped with Hana, Tina, Laava, Trenna, Shalania and Asraf. :) My theme is on All About Me by the way. Theirs are Motivation, Desserts, Fascination, Happiness, Trapped and Love. :) So we will be displaying all our 2D and 3D art pieces in a corner of a class and decorated it with anything that has to do with our combined theme. Sounds exciting, yet scary. x)) We have to set this up by 16 June! But, we still have our 4 3D art pieces to be completed and handed in by next week! Oh Allah!

After school at 4pm, there's this GEP trips interview for the Sydney/Melbourne/Iowa trips! I swear it was nerve-wrecking man! Tsk. But I think I did pretty okay. I was the third last by the way. By then, it was already 7pm! Whoaaaa. So long huh. The interviewers were our lecturers; Miss Dorcas, Miss Audrey and Miss Pearl. So they asked questions like, "What is my strong personality that can make me shine?", "Do you mind about the non-halal food there?", "If you were in a conflict, how do you resolve the problem?" and lastly, "Do you mind not wearing your scarf when you get selected?". The last question was a bonus question. Haha. Actually, it ended at the third question. But Miss Dorcas suddenly voiced out this question. I actually expected it anyway. I even told them this and they laughed. x))) Hmm. If I'm not selected, I'm fine with it. Everything happens for a reason, right? :)

After that, it was BlackShot time baybeh! My cca starts at 5pm actually but I came in at 7pm since I had that interview. So I just clocked in that 1 hour. It was a really rewarding and good feeling that I get to play BlackShot right after the interview. Haha. x))

Oh ya! Here are the photos which I have yet to upload on my blog! ;) This was during one of the LE lesson where each group came up with different indoor games. :)

Guess what my group name is??? DR FADZILAH! Hahaha. He's one of Hana and Tina's favourite motivator. x)))

And wanna see a secret photo? Secret eh? So much for secret! Hahaha. x)) Actually, I saw this photo on my Facebook's Newsfeed. My big bro apparently changed his profile photo to this. So I clicked it. There he was! Standing upright, looking so charming and smart in his uniform! So I decided to copy and save it and even uploaded it on my Facebook. Hehehe. He didn't know at first but of cos he discovered it himself. Hahaha. Sorry big bro! :D Yay! So proud of you! x)) :)))

Yayaya. Fineeeee. He looks different from me and my lil bro rigghhhhtttt??! I knowww! Haha. Good thing that he followed my mum. My mum is fair and so is he! People used to say that my big bro and I are a couple! HAHAHAHA! BIGGEST JOKE EVER! xP Alright then. I shall stop here. *hugs&kisses* :)))


;with ♥ 10:50 PM

♥ Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wooots! I'm so sorry for the late update. Hehehe.

Since I'm in Playeum, I was busy yesterday from 10 to 6pm! Yes, it's a fun work but it's tiring too! I have to stand most of the time. Sometimes when there are not many people, I will just walked aimlessly, going into the 2 Playdome areas, the Black Box and the Sensory Studio. Me being me, I will always disturb the rest of them. Hehehe. xD Next Saturday will be my third time working there! :)

Finally for today, I get to go out with my dearest lil bro. Siblings day out yaw! xD Actually, siblings day out should be on Saturday but since I was busy with Playeum, Sunday it is! My parents went to Malacca and so they left us $25 each for lil bro and I! Big bro? Just $20 since he's already working. Hehehe.

For today, we went out to Bugis! The initial plan was to watch Pirates Of The Carribean at CWP. But we decided to go to Bugis instead. We planned to watch it at Iluma's FilmGarde but thennnnnnn, the queue was surprisingly so long! Tsk. So ended up, we window shopped at Bugis Street. I bought a navy blue heartshape dress! :D Thought of buying a new pair of shoes but I just had that strong feeling that the shoe won't last that long. x)) So, scratch that. And later, I thought of buying a couple of rings too but thennnn, I ended up not buying it since I told myself that I should save up. Good girl right? :P

Oh! And I saw Ina and her sisters! I was kind of surprised to see them actually. Haha. My voice suddenly sounded so excited when I said hi to Ina. xD And since I'm having sorethroat, it sounded funny man! So paisey! Hahaha. And me being me, I asked a stupid question. I asked Ina what was she doing there, at Bugis. She replied, "Just walk around. Nola, reading a book." Hahaha. She ah... :P Oh! I saw Eenah too! The last time I saw her was at Bugis too. x))

I'm having sorethroat and cough now. That makes my voice so rock&roll! Haha. xD Good thing that I bought 2 pack of Strepsils! And Miss Pauline is so sweeeet! She commented on my status, telling me to drink more water and have a good rest. Awww. I miss her man! She's a great lecturer! :)))

Alrighty now. Enough of BlackShot and blogging. I shall iron my uniform, pack my bag, drink plenty of water, brush my teeth and sleeeep! Hehehe. Awww. I forgot to buy tomatoes! If not, I will include that in the list too. Hmmm. Tomorrow I shall buy them! :) *hugs&kisses*


;with ♥ 11:45 PM

♥ Monday, May 16, 2011

GUESS WHAT?! Hana, Tina and I went to have our lunch at Arnold's! And guess what too?! Tina decided to treat us! Actually, Hana knew about it just that I'm the slow one. Hahaha. AWWWW. THANK YOU TINAAAA! *HUGS* I offiicially love Arnold's chicken man! It's more delicious than KFC and Cold Storage's whole chicken! Arnold's chicken ftw! :DD Finger lickin' good baybeh! Hehehe. :D AND I LOVE YOU GUYS, HANA & TINA! :')))

AND GUESS WHAT AGAIN?!!! I'VE FINALLY FOUND MY DESIRED HANDPHONE, N8! IT'S BLUE BAYBEH! SO NICE AND COOOL! :DDDD Honestly, I wanted green but there's no stock so blue it was! I don't mind actually. Blue is pretty nice too! Don't you guys think so? :D Alhamdulillah. Went to Vivo first to check it out but turned out that there's only black and gray. Tsk. So I have to go back to Junction 8 again and reserved it for myself while waiting for my mum and lil bro to come. Haha. So funny man! I even told the sales person that I wanted to reserve it and in the meantime, I'm going to the library first while waiting for my mum. And he said can. So yup! FINALLY! AFTER SO MANY STORES I WENT TO! At least 5 that I went to. Most of the stores have only black and gray. The coloured ones? None! Tsk. And this blue was the last piece by the way! I was just so lucky! Even the sales person said so. x))) I'M JUST SO THANKFUL! AND OF COURSE I'M ONE HAPPY GIRL! HEHEHE. :DDD

Oh! And I tried out the N8's 12 megapixel camera just now! AND IT'S FREAKING NICE! LOVE THE RESOLUTION AND LIGHTING! :DDDD The flash is not too bright too! I JUST LOVE IT! Hehehe. :DDD It's actually clearer on the N8 itself! And I'm finally done reading the user's guide and install everything that I need to install for my N8! I've even updated my songs too! Just so you know, it's my first time using a touch handphone so I'm pretty slow in typing for now. Hahaha. Not used to it man! x)

OH YA OH YA! Mum decided to choose this internet plan which is $38 a month! YAY! FINALLY I HAVE INTERNET ACCESS MAN! Hehehe. It's free too! :D And I just log in to my Facebook and Twitter! This is going to be awesome! Heeees. :))) Sorry, I'm just super happy! Don't mind me. x))) So yup, bought the screen protector which is for $28 but I guess it's worth it since it can protect my screen from all the fingerprints and scratches. :) I received a new casing too! YAY! Hehehe. :)

Alrighty then! I shall explore more on my N8! Heees. *HUGS&KISSES* :DDDD


;with ♥ 10:30 PM

♥ Saturday, May 14, 2011
HELLO HELLO! It's been a week! So I'm back for blogging baybeh! ;))

Today was my first day of volunteer work at the National Museum! So some of my classmates and I are involved in this PlayDome Playeum for 7 Saturdays. I'm actually in-charge of the Discovery Trail but it was not ready yet so I'm the ticket checker and crowd control.

Initially, it was tough for me since I was just so blur! x)) I had trouble differentiating the single day pass tickets and seasons tickets. The single day pass ones cost $12 for adults and $9 for children. For those who are below 3 years old, they will be given an orange sticker. And I'm also supposed to check and tear the side of their tickets and then help them stick the entry ticket around their wrist. Confusing huh? xD For the $35 seasons tickets, they will have a free small goodie bag and they are supposed to wear this special green silicone band on their wrist. I had trouble explaining the 2 PlayDome areas too, the Black Box and Sensory Studio.

Guess what? I was so nervous man and I even stumbled upon my words! Tsk. For the Black Box and the Sensory Studio, you have to purchase the single day pass tickets or seasons tickets in order to go in. The National Museum is actually free, just that you need to purchase the tickets for the 2 PlayDome areas. It's meant for children actually but parents can join too. There are black curtains before you enter the Black Box. That means, you wouldn't get to see what's inside the Black Box. So it somehow creates wonder and excitement for children and parents. :)

Oh! The Black Box is not a typical box by the way. x)) It's just the name of it. It's actually a big space, a room rather, whereby there's the giant kaledeiscope and you are to stand infront of it, move about or even hold up some patterned cloths. So you will be able to see all the different patterns and images of it. It's interesting and fun. :D By the way, the ceiling should be black. I took this picture from Google. x))

There's also the 'wayang' area next to it. It's actually the chinese opera. Children can colour their own mask and wear it. They can even wear the costumes and have dramatic play. There's also the 'tying of ribbons' area next to it. The Black Box, which is also known as the Alteria, is somewhat the happening place for children. There's always quite a lot of people inside. x))

And so, there were some of them who wanted to take a peek in the Black Box but they were not allowed to. So I have to stop them and tell them to buy the tickets first. x)) The free admission will be the Sun Deck and Chilli Garden. It's all at level 3. Parents and children can just walk around and explore it.

I can say that it was a good experience. First day was not bad I guess. We were given free packed lunch too since we are volunteers. The food is nice! :) And the staff at the museum are friendly and helpful. :) So next Saturday will be my 2nd time there! I hope I can do better! Hehe.

Anywaaay, mum decided to have dinner at Pastamania just now! Hahaha! I knew it! x)) Yesterday, it was Canadian Pizza. The day before it was Pizza Hut and the day before Pizza Hut was Swensen! Whoaaa. I'm going to gain weight man! Seriously! Hahaha. Oh well! It's been awhile since I last went to Swensen, Pizza Hut and Pastamania! Hehehe. :) I wanted to have Mushroom Baked Rice but for today there isn't any. Tsk. So Beef Bolognaise it was! :) Mum tried the Marinara Spaghetti. Lil bro had his all-time favourite Lasagna. He said that Pastamania's Lasagna is the best among Swensen and Pizza Hut. x)) And he even tried the Chocolate Mousee! We ordered a small Hawaiian pizza too! I love the pizza man! It's niceeeeeeeeeee!!! :DD

By the way, I'm 3/4 done for my second last art piece! Alhamdulillah. Shall continue it later! For now, I'm going to play BlackShot! Heheee. And I've ranked up! Gold 1st Lieutenant baybeh! ;)) *hugs&kisses*


;with ♥ 10:28 PM

♥ Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wooots! Watching the Election Vote 2011 live now on Channel 5! Honestly speaking, I'm not into politics but I'm just curious about the results! Haha. x))

So! Guess what? My big bro just gave mum a box of Ferrero Rocher dark chocolates! With a red ribbon too, you know! Awwwwww! It's for Mother's Day tomorrow! That's just so sweet of him! Didn't expect it! The other side of my big brother huh. Hehehe. :P


I have no idea what presents to give for my mum and dad. Tsk. Gotta think about it fast!

Anyway, I'm almost done with my first art piece for this week. It's on tissue paper dapping baybeh! I'm left with only the outlining, my favourite part! ;) Gonna do it in awhile. Hehe.

Oh ya! Thanks to dearest Tina, I just discovered about the Stats tab on Blogger!!! It shows how many views you have for your blog, the browsers they used, which countries they are from and such. OMG! I FEEL SO DUMB AND NOOB! It's been 5 freaking years, you knowww! Now then I know that I can see how many views I have for my blog! THANKS A LOT TINA!!! :)) I guess I didn't explore much huh. Hahaha! Forever silly me. x))

And for those of you guys who have visited/read my blog, I appreciate it so much, from the bottom of my heart. :)) How I wish I can really know who you are. I know my blog is not a famous/popular blog or whatsoever but still, I didn't expect you guys to even be visiting my blog in the first place! x)) Not as much as I expected. SO THANK YOU!!! :D

By the way, in the morning, my parents and big bro just reached home from voting and they told me that my desired handphone, HTC Desire Z is out of stock! So saddd! First it was Vivaz Pro. Now, this! Turned out that big bro got himself a new handphone! Samsung Galaxy 551! It's $0 by the way. I used to like and want that handphone because of the sleek qwerty keypad! It's just so nice and cool! Until I discovered the camera's megapixel, 3.2. Haiyaaa! I want it at least 5 megapixel just like my current phone.

Oh well. I shall not give up in finding my desired HTC Desire Z! Hehehe. Anyway, went to BP Plaza's Starhub just now and there's no stock too! So I decided to order it! Gave my name and handphone number to the person. Hopefully they will call soooon! :) If nottttt, the last resort will be... Nokia E7! Hmmm. The handphone is not bad, just that it's quite big. Tsk.

Oh ya! This amazing scenery was taken at 4.30pm yesterday when I was on my way home from school. SubhanAllah! :)))

Oh ya oh ya! I have $0.20 earning for my Nuffnang! SO HAPPY MAN! It's my first time, okay! Hahaha. x)) So, it's $49.80 moreee! Come onnnn! Hehehe. Alrighty then. Shall focus on the election result! x))) *hugs&kisses*


;with ♥ 10:25 PM

♥ That Girl ♥

The girl next door.
14.03.1992 so she's sweet nineteen.
She usually laugh at almost everything.
Which makes her crazy and loud!
Mind you, she talks non-stop sometimes.
Demure, avid and jittery. That's her.
In short, she's indeed a jovial lady.
And make this clear, she loves to smile! :]
Like, always and forever.
Accept her for who she is or nothing at all.
She hearts Adidas;Green;Red;Blue.
Treat her Kinder Bueno
& she will be grinning away!

Facebook Tumblr
Email/MSN: fafatintin@hotmail.com

Ask me ANYTHING and I will reply to it A.S.A.P: FormspringMe

♥ Nuffnang ♥

♥ Tune In ♥

♥ Wantlist ♥

NEW wallet.
NEW Adidas Black&Green watch.
NEW pair of Adidas sport shoe.
NEW Sony Vaio laptop.
That pink&purple Sony headphone.
NEW Adidas water bottle.
NEW Adidas bagpack.
NEW Adidas trainers.
NEW spectacles.
NEW vintage&pretty dresses.
NEW pump/leather shoes.
NEW rings&bangles.
NEW leather brown sling bag.
A surprise birthday celebration.
A surprise gift/present.
HTC Desire Z.
Go to Ngee Ann Poly.
Early Childhood Education course.
Learn Chinese/Japanese/French.
People to understand me better.
Be taller.
LOSE weight! x))
To be a teacher one day.
Travel to Australia/London/Paris/New York!

♥ Twiit Twiit ♥

♥ Blog Counter ♥

Let's count baybeh! :)
Since 23Oct2010 :)

♥ Credits ♥

Designer: Joey
Basecodes 1: Chocho
Basecodes 2: Undefinte
Basecodes 3: Tearsoflove
Picture: Noodle-rox
Cursor: Dorischu
The Songs: Youtube
The Making of this Blog: Blogger
& Blogskins